Displacement Measurement Using LVRT (JILV-29A)
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  • Linear Variable Resistive Sensor mounted on the panel
  • Resistance measuring provision
  • Regulated power supply
  • Output voltage with test points
  • Digital LED green display

Displacement Measurement Using LVDT (JILV-07)
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  • Spring leaded type Linear Variable Differential Transformer
  • LVDT calibration jig with screw gauge
  • Signal conditioner for LVDT sensor output

Speed Sensor Trainer Kit
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  • 12V DC motor with optical disk mounted on a plate
  • Optical sensor and proximity sensor to sense the motor speed
  • F/V converters to convert the pulses to voltage

Angular Displacement Measurement Using Capacitive and Resistive Transducer (JICR-25)
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  • Capacitive and Resistive sensor to sense the variable area
  • Signal conditioner for capacitive and resistive sensors output
  • Resistance and capacitance measuring provisions

Smoke Sensor Trainer
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  • Smoke sensor to sense the smoke of the area
  • Signal conditioner for smoke the sensor output voltage
  • Signal conditioning output connected with ALARM circuit
  • Regulated power supply

Bourdon Tube Trainer
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  • LVDT sensor to sense the bourdon tube displacement
  • Bourdon tube pressure gauge fixed on the setup
  • Signal conditioner for LVDT sensor output
  • Pressure tank fixed on MS base plate

Bellows Measurement Trainer
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  • LVDT sensor to sense the Bellows expansion
  • Bellows fixed on the setup
  • Signal conditioner for LVDT sensor output
  • Pressure tank to store the pressure
  • Foot pump to increase the pressure

Various Transducer Trainer (Strain, Load, Torque, Pressure)
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  • Strain gauge sensor with cantilever beam
  • Load cell sensor
  • Torque sensor mounted in L angle
  • L angle and 1m length fulcrum arm
  • Pressure sensor to sense the tank pressure

Various Transducer Trainer (Sound, Temperature, Level, Hall Effect, Optical)
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  • Sound sensor
  • Thermocouple as a temperature sensor
  • Hall effect sensor to sense magnetic flux
  • LDR, photo diode as an optical sensor
  • SS plate as capacitance sensor

Rosette Strain Measurement Trainer (JIST-02A)
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  • Rosette Strain gauge sensor with cantilever beam to measure the beam strain
  • Slotted weights with hook to apply the load
  • Signal conditioner for rosette strain gauge sensor output

Displacement Measurement Using Capacitive Transducer (Angular)
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  • Angular type capacitive pickup Sensor to sense the variable area
  • Signal conditioner for capacitive sensor output
  • Pro-circle with needle arrangement
  • Regulated power supply

Displacement Measurement Using Inductive Transducer (JIIP-37)
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  • Copper inductor core with insulation
  • Ferrite rod / metal rod fixed on mechanical movable setup
  • Zero potmeter and scale arrangement
  • Signal conditioner for inductive sensor output

Displacement Measurement Using Capacitive Sensor (Liquid Medium) (JILC-22)
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  • Di-electric type capacitance sensor
  • Mechanical movable setup with screw rod mechanism
  • Transparent process tank with drain valve
  • Graduated scale fixed on tank

Pressure Measurement Trainer (JIPR-05)
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  • Pressure sensor to sense the tank pressure
  • Foot pump to create pressure
  • MS pressure tank with hand valve arrangement
  • Bourdon type MS pressure gauge to monitor the tank pressure

Angular Displacement Measurement Using Resistive Transducer
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  • Resistive sensor to sense the variable area with Pro-circle
  • Signal conditioner for resistive sensors output
  • Resistance measuring provision, Needle arrangements
  • Regulated power supply

Shaft Angle Encoder Study Trainer
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  • Shaft angle encoder sensor with pulse output
  • DC motor fixed on plate
  • Variable voltage source
  • Digital display to display the encoder output

Student type Potentiometer (JILV-28)
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  • Linear Variable Resistive Sensor mounted on the panel
  • Scale sticker
  • Regulated power supply
  • Output voltage measuring provision

Displacement Measurement using Strain Gauge (JIDS-35)
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  • Strain gauge sensor with cantilever beam to measure the displacement of strain gauge
  • Signal conditioner for strain gauge sensor output
  • Digital green display to display the strain displacement

Rotary displacement using Magnetic Pickup Trainer
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  • Magnetic displacement sensor to sense the displacement
  • Rotating knob with pro circle
  • Signal conditioner for magnetic displacement sensor output
  • Digital display to indicate the sensor displacement

Loading Effect on Potentiometer (JILP-36)
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  • Rotary Variable Resistive Sensor and Angular displacement linear sensor mounted on the panel
  • Pro circle sticker with sensor output measuring points
  • Loading circuit
  • Regulated power supply

Load Measurement Trainer (JILD-04)
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  • Load cell sensor
  • Pan provision for placing the standard weights
  • Signal conditioner for load cell output
  • Standard Weights
  • Offset, span variable provision
  • Digital display to display the applied

Strain Measurement Trainer (JIST-02)
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  • Strain gauge sensor with cantilever beam to measure the beam strain
  • Slotted weights with hook to apply the load
  • Standard Weights
  • Signal conditioner for strain gauge sensor output

Torque Measurement Trainer (JITO-06)
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  • Strain gauge based reaction type torque sensor mounted in L angle
  • MS L angle and 1m length fulcrum arm
  • Slotted weight with hooks
  • Digital LED display to indicate the torque

Pressure Measurement using Piezo Resistive Transducer
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  • Piezo resistive pressure sensor to sense the tank pressure
  • MS pressure tank with hand valve arrangement
  • Foot pump to create Pressure
  • Bourdon type pressure gauge to monitor the tank pressure

Pressure Measurement Using Capacitive Transducer
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  • Capacitive type pressure sensor to sense the tank pressure
  • Pressure tank to store the air pressure
  • Foot pump to create Pressure
  • Bourdon type pressure gauge to monitor the tank pressure

Vacuum Pressure Measurement Trainer (JIVP-18)
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  • Vacuum pressure sensor to sense the tank vacuum pressure
  • Metal Pressure tank fixed on base plate
  • Electric operated vacuum pump to create the vacuum

Various Transducer Trainer (Strain, Load, Torque)
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  • Strain gauge sensor with cantilever beam to measure the beam strain
  • Load cell sensor
  • Pan provision for placing the standard weights
  • Reaction type torque sensor mounted in L angle

Various Transducer Trainer Kit (LVDT, Strain, Summing Amplifier, Reflective Opto Transducer) (JITT-29)
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  • Spring leaded type Linear Variable Differential Transformer
  • LVDT calibration jig with screw gauge
  • Strain gauge sensor with cantilever beam to measure the beam strain
  • Signal conditioner for sensor output
  • Summing amplifier circuit

Vibration Measurement Using Piezo Electric Transducer (JIPE – 12)
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  • Piezo Electric sensor fixed on exciter to sense the vibration
  • Signal conditioner for above sensor output
  • Digital display to display the acceleration and velocity
  • Regulated power supply

Speed Measurement Trainer Using Photoelectric and Tachometer
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  • 12V DC motor fixed on the metal plate
  • Optical (photo electric) type sensor to sense the speed of the motor
  • MOSFET based power driver to drive the motor supply
  • DC voltage source to vary the motor speed

Digital pH Meter with calibration
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  • 16 x 2 alpha numeric, LCD display
  • 0 to 14pH, 0 to + 1999.9 mV, Temp. 0 to 100°C
  • Auto/ Manual Calibration
  • pH Electrode, Electrode stand, Beaker 100ml – 3 No’s, dust cover, Manual

Digital Conductivity Meter with Calibration
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  • 16 x 2 alpha numeric, LCD display
  • 1 µS to 100mS (6 decade ranges)
  • Auto/ Manual Calibration
  • Temperature Range: 0 to 100°C
  • Conductivity cell, Stand, Beaker 100ml, dust cover & manual

Load Measurement Using Proving Ring Trainer (JILD-04A)
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  • Proving ring sensor
  • A pan provision for placing the standard weights
  • Dial gauge to measure the load
  • The rings are supplied complete with dial gauge and works calibration chart