8085 Microprocessor Trainer
- Devices : 8085(Intel)
- Clock : 6.144MHz crystal
- 32KB-SRAM for user Data
- 16KB-EEPROM for Monitor Program
- 2x16 Char LCD display
- 48 Programmable I/O Pins for ( 2 x 8255)
8051 Microcontroller Trainer
- Processor: 8051 Core 89C51 Microcontroller
- Clock speed: 12 MHz
- Internal Memory: 64KB on-chip Flash memory and 1KB RAM
- External memory: 64KB RAM program and data with Battery backup
8086 Microprocessor Trainer
- INTEL 8086CPU AT 4.77 MHZ CLOCK SPEED 16KB for monitor EPROM upgradable to 64kb 16KB RAM expandable to 64KB
- Battery backup provision for RAM upto 64KB